Judges: Table of contents
The themes, p.11
Mysteries and explanations, p.25
The structure of the book, p.35
Date of writing, author, chronology, p.51
First introduction: 1:1-2:5, p.67
Second introduction: 2:6-3:6, p. 93
Othniel: 3:7-11, p.109
Ehud: 3:12-31, p.119
Debora: 4-5, p.137
Gideon (1): 6, p.173
Gideon (2): 7-8, p.201
Abimelech: 9, p.227
Jephthah: 10-12, p.253
Samson (2): 14-15, p.317
Samson (3): 16, p.347
First appendix (Dan): 17-18, p. 369
Second appendix: Benjamin (1): 19, p.397
Second appendix: Benjamin (2): 20, p. 413
Second appendix: Benjamin (3): 21, p.433
Allusions to the past, p.453
Allusions to the present, p.464
Harmonisation between Judges 1 and Joshua, p.469
Bibliography, p.473